THURSDAY: 21/03/24

logged in at about 3pm, the town was covered in weeds so i 'helped' Lief clear them all. I noticed a new plot was put down, beloning to someone called Curly who was going to move in soon. i talked with Rosie and she missed me, so invited me to go over to her house an hour later. i went to the museum and finally got the cafe for the first time, hopefully it won't take long to get the funds for it!

THURSDAY: 14/12/23

went to my town in the night time for some relaxation, didn't end up doing all that much except talking to joey

MONDAY: 04/12/2023

it's been a little bit since i played, usually i can be a bit on or off with my town and i've just been feeling a bit 'off' with it, but every time i am in my town i feel so cozy. REDD was visiting today, he's one of my favorite characters!

CYRUS also finished customizing something for me

after waiting and getting my hair cut for like a month i finally unlocked being able to have a more boyish haircut with HARRIET!


these are pics in no particular order from before I started this website and decided I wanted to write about the stuff I get up to in a cute little online diary, because they need somewhere to go !!

the end! thank you for being here.