add more deco to my pages

edit pages to resemble my homepage more with the updated icon and dolls and shit

add page for my pixel hoarde

page for my other socials? or just link my carrd since that's basically just a directory for that lolz

get a big mac meal

add stuff for my interests and dislikes and such

page for images i've found of old anime, i have a lot uploaded to my blog but i could re-upload them here too?

notes from my notebook irl for site ideas

new layout??


old anime uploads


site button

more simple 'last updated' section rather than a whole block for news on updates?

favs for my favorite bands, series, chars, etc.? could be mixed in with the idea of shrines

music player?

anime, manga or letterboxd feed?


intro/enter page before accessing site

dream journal??

font change

more cozy journal page themed like a small classic style text blog?

currently feeling mood thing rather than by-entry for my journal?

side scroll thing for images as decoration??


site pet(s)? - pinkie pie, nyan cat, tac nayn, fluffle puff?
